Loooking for a licensed, insured and Certified Outdoor fireplace contractor company
in Colts Neck, NJ?
Look no further! Total Concepts can help.
Total Concepts can help you transform your
outdoor environment ― and complement your
home's exterior ― with outdoor fireplace.
Take open air entertaining beyond the grill with
an outdoor kitchen. Gather 'round the fire with a
built-in fire pit or outdoor fireplace. Create the
ideal space for entertaining and relaxing with a
spacious patio, or deck.
You can count on Total Concepts to make sure
everything is installed to meet your expectations,
complete with every nuance you imagined and
an attention to detail that's second to none.
We Specialize in:
Outdoor fireplaces
Natural stone masons
Hardscape Design
click here to see areas we serve
Outdoor fireplaces in Colts Neck NJ